Lemon Tree

Lemon Tree (2008)

Salma Zidane, a widow, lives simply from her grove of lemon trees in the West Bank's occupied territory. The Israeli defense minister and his wife move next door; the Secret Service orders the trees removed for security. The stoic Salma seeks assistance from the Palestinian Authority (useless), Israeli army (dismissive), and a young attorney, Ziad Daud, who takes the case; this older client attracts him. While the courts deliberate, the Israelis fence her trees and prohibit her from entering the grove. As the trees wither, the defense minister's wife and, separately, an Israeli journalist, look on Salma with sympathy. In this allegory, does David stand a chance against Goliath?

ID DV-4774
DVD Beschikbaar
Status Uitgegeven op 2008-02-08
Speeltijd 106 minuten
Budget Onbekend
Opbrengst Onbekend
Oorspronkelijke taal ar
Geproduceerd door Riva Filmproduktion, Eran Riklis Productions Ltd., Heimatfilm, MACT Productions
Regisseur Eran Riklis
Extra informatie Beschikbaar via IMDB (score 6.8)
Website Onbekend


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